Don't go see this movie...unless you go in the morning when it is cheaper. The movie is rated "R" for gore, the death scenes are pretty gory, but that’s about it. I think he has made far better. Signs and Unbreakable were much better.
So, there you go without giving away too much of the plot...
...but I think that the liberal environmentalists will like this movie too (Hint Hint).
I didn't think it was amazing, but it was totally enjoyable. Alison and I laughed through most of the gory scenes. Yeah, the plot was a bit thin, and we kinda felt the acting wasn't great, either. But there was still enough mystery and suspense to keep us in our seats.
I dunno, depends on how much you like M. Night movies. Legally obtain it if you're not a huge fan.
word. I'm loving parasite eve. It's like Chrono Trigger + Final Fantasy + Resident Evil I hear Parasite Eve 2 plays more like a resident evil game though, which is dissapointing, since the gameplay of PE1 is perfect for RPG lovers. I think it's totally underrated.
Yeah, I tried that first, but emulation on Mac is almost non-existent. ROM sites are a big clusterfuck, anyway. I don't feel bad buying reasonably priced PSX games.
Not if they're 70+ American dollar bills worth. And honestly, it wouldn't be worth it anyway since PSN legally has them up for download for about 10 bucks a piece.
Yeah, its really lame. There are amazing emulators for just about every system besides PSX. Bootcamp works wonders, though.
Speaking of Parasite Eve, I LOVED THAT GAME! I played through it right after I beat FFVII in 97 or whatever. Great game. I love that scene where everyone catches on fire.
Richie wrote:Yeah, I tried that first, but emulation on Mac is almost non-existent. ROM sites are a big clusterfuck, anyway. I don't feel bad buying reasonably priced PSX games.