And I expected a lot, having seen The Omega Man and The Last Man On Earth.
This brings up an interesting point. Someone that saw the movie told me it was god awful because it was "too predictable"...
Of course this same guy also saw The Omega Man...He didn't see any other interpretations of the novel, however... Also said it's the exact same storyline (oh so mysteriously...). Just thought you'd like to hear that in case you need some negative feedback on the movie...
Tell news reporters to read the entire paragraph before jumping to conclusions.
He clearly mentioned that Hitler's actions were heinous. I guess it's a sin, however, to even mention that Hitler, as with any human being, was not BORN saying 'wow, i'm going to be an evil son of a bitch.' America is so fickle about any little thing that attacks their flimsy sense of morality.
I will say that I love this movie, but I do favor Sweeney Todd much more than I Am Legend...
But, I would still say that Will Smith did a much better job acting than anyone in Sweeney Todd...In fact Smith's job in this movie was spectacular. Not to say Sweeney Todd didn't have excellent acting as well (not to mention fantastic casting...everyone performed their part amazingly, and I think a lot of cast is better than the standard touring cast for Sweeney Todd was...), but Will Smith did do a much better job in I Am Legend with his character. Especially seeing as it was an incredibly difficult role to perform and he did such a fantastic job with it.
Well, not complete poop. Will Smith's performance was just amazing, and the movie is extremely well shot, and does a great job in the beginning of setting up the crushing loneliness that comes with the lack of human contact.
But a few problems: First off, CGI Vampire things. WTF? They looked awful, like something out of a PSX cinematic, and were pretty unnecessary. I mean, dude slamming into a car? Ok, CG that. Dude standing around, looking menacing? Where's my actor in make-up, because I'm not scared by Will Smith being attacked by a bunch of hold-overs from The Mummy.
*SPOILERS* on my other points, so beware.
Variations on the books, I tend to be pretty accepting of, as long as they are thought out. But why change the deaths of the wife and daughter? Its like they studio went "Oh man, we need to write these guys out... lets get it over quickly with a poorly visualized helicopter crash!" Meanwhile, they take out the highest dramatic point of the story, where Smith's wife and daughter are infected with the plague, his wife becomes one of the vampires, and he is forced to incinerate the body of his daughter at the local charnel pit. Its the biggest heart-wrencher of the original work, and one of the defining moments of the character, totally lost...
for that matter, so was almost any of the societal mirroring of the plauge's effects, which even the old Vincent Price version had... fact, all of the implications and lessons from the original work were either altered or left out entirely, so what was a very interesting work about the fall of society and the origins of myths became a pretty typical action/thriller.
3rd point: Foreshadowing wasted/ crappy ending. "All forms of intelligence seem lost. Creatures have become mindless." Yes Will, very bright, so mindless that they set up elaborate traps and use leashed attack dogs against you. Pretty obvious also, that the vampire dude just wanted his mate back...
of course, not that the movie ever gets into this. Its all on the cutting room floor. The idea that the vampires were creating a vampire society was all set up, along with the original family death, but the studio came in and removed all of that, because it deemed the original ending to be too sad.
Hence the crap ending where Will Smith INSTANTLY BELIEVES THERE IS A GOD BECAUSE OF A BUTTERFLY TATTOO? Because of something his daughter said once? I'm sorry guys, too convenient. But hey Yay for crayz fundamental Christian lady having God tell her things to keep the story advancing. She and George Bush must be related, somehow...Also, that thing he hides the girl in obviously locks from the inside, why did he feel the need to kill himself off? Why not throw the grenade and then hide in there with them? If the explosion was really going to be that big, its not like any would have survived the blast anyway, he didn't have to hold the grenade to make it work...
As far as technical film making and performances go, this is the strongest of the three adaptations, but the use of poor CG and the studio cutting the balls off of the screenplay were a one two punch that downed the film for me. My favorite version is still Vincent Price's.
Am I the only one who can't stand watching movies with big-name actors? I thought the movie was good, but I didn't see a "Robert Neville" on screen, all I ever saw was Will Smith. I had a similar feeling when I saw Charlie Wilson's War; every moment in that movie all I could see was Tom Hanks and Julia Roberts acting. It's hard to "believe" a character in a movie when you see their face all over the place in the real world.