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Possible Absence

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Possible Absence

Post by BreakmanX »

There is a huge winter storm beginning in Lawrence as I am typing this. KU, who NEVER cancels class, is actually considering canceling finals because of it. If the national weather service is to be believed I will lose power for a day or two and be unable to travel. Thus, I may disappear for a few days.

Hopefully this is all just overreaction, but just in case I want you to know where I am. Safe and sound, trying to have my DS keep me warm. Check Lawrence, KS on for updates.

Have a pleasant week.
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Post by Jbrown »

It's even haling here in Arizona, haha. Have fun, stay warm~
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Post by Muteki »

Make sure to have your DS fully charged as much as possible. You wouldn't want the lights to go out only to realize its batteries are low.
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Re: Possible Absence

Post by WiizerFanboy »

BreakmanX wrote: trying to have my DS keep me warm.
You mean your Xbox 360 :D .
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Re: Possible Absence

Post by Mericks »

Wiizerfanboy wrote:
BreakmanX wrote: trying to have my DS keep me warm.
You mean your Xbox 360 :D .
But the 360 can't run without power to his house...

And yeah, I'm essentially in the same situation as Break, only mine is a little less severe. It's still fucking dangerous as hell to go outside here.
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Post by Typheus »

My hometown is cursed to be without snow for the next one hundred generations, even though it gets an assload of rainfall almost every week. Apparently we did something really bad, so that whenever it's warm enough to rain, it rains, but when it's cold enough to snow, it doesn't do a damn thing.

It's worse than the thing on Castlevania II: Simon's Quest where all of the bitches turned into monsters during nighttime. At least they were able to play in the snow even WHEN they were monsters. We just get completely screwed over. It hasn't snowed on Christmas here in about five years.

I've actually watched the weather channel and have SEEN the godamn clouds actually head straight for us, stop, make a power slide around us, and keep going in the same direction they were going before they decided to pull a GT4 on us. THAT is fucked up!

Oh, the sons of bitches all around us get LOTS of snow. Hell, it could be 2-3ft deep in the next county over on all sides, but not here. We get jack shit. There's a bigass donut of snow clouds around us, but not a single one is coming here to spread Christmas joy. It's like "kiss my ass!"

And another thing, why the fuck doesn't it ever stick to the ground even when it DOES snow and it's cold enough? It could be ZERO outside, snow everywhere...and the shit melts in a big howdy fucking do before it goes clambering into the fucking sewage drains. FUCKED UP!

Our highschools are shitting in tall cotton because of the damned curse. No school cancellations due to snow in about three-five years. Yeah, we get flood days, so people can get flooded out on Thanksgiving and Christmas, but no snow days. Another big "FUCK YOU!" from above. Remember when New York got hit badly? Well, everyone around here was hoping to hell for a big snow storm like that so highschool would be canceled, but NO! We get about an inch that melts away before it even touches the fucking ground, and it's less than 20 degrees C outside. A big "HAHA" from whatever weather witch decided to turn into a weather BITCH and keep us from having a winter wonderland. Hell, the closest we'll ever seen to a winter wonderland is the godamn toy stores that have that white snow carpeting everywhere. SONOVABITCH![/rant]
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Post by Jbrown »

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Post by Richie »

I'm not reading all that shit.
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Post by Mericks »

Typheus...We're getting rain and sleet actually...Not snow...

Everything's freezing over, but it's not from snow. Don't be fooled though, it'll look like snow when you step outside, but it's really a solid sheet of ice.
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Post by Discordia »

Thanks for letting us know Break, nice not to have to worry unnecessarily.
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Post by BreakmanX »

No power outages yet, and finals went on today as scheduled. They are still saying we're not out of the woods, but I'm thinking all will be ok.

Here's a pic of the ice so far (This is pure ice, no snow)


Its been raining/sleeting/freezing raining since 6 PM yesterday and is supposed to continue through tonight.. possibly all freeze tonight.

Just relaying what I've been told, but like I said before, I think all will be good.
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Post by WiizerFanboy »

Richie wrote:I'm not reading all that shit.
LOL! I fucking love you.
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Post by BreakmanX »

I took this in my back yard.

Last edited by BreakmanX on Tue Dec 11, 2007 4:43 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by WiizerFanboy »

This makes a really good Winter wallpaper :D

But DAMN, if it's THAT bad out there, I really hope that ice storm comes over my way, School almost NEVER gets cancelled out here due to weather.
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Post by WiizerFanboy »

I have that picture you took and made it as my wallpaper... You accidentally made a great piece of art?