Mericks wrote: constantly hear about how psychotically creative they are.
They are! I'm always amazed by how much sense all the traps make, except for maybe the third one. Well I guess it kind of does tie in with the main character of the third one, where he plays the judge and decides who lives and dies. But you must watch all three movies closely and pay very close attention. To me, the story is amazing and every character in the SAW universe ties in with each other. Although I thought the ending in 3 did sorta close alot of stuff up, they are making a 4th. Some people may think it stupid, but if you watch each movie closely ( I mean really really close ), you will see sooo many little clues that lead up to a 4th film. for example:
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In saw 2 during the very beginning, when you see the instruction video for Troy on how he could escape ( even though there really was no escape ), notice that when the "man" ( who most people think is Jigsaw ) who puts the key inside the eye socket of Troy, He has a limp. Jigsaw doesnt limp. And if you remember from the first movie, Dr. Gordon chopped off his own leg out of desperation to save his own family. Many as well as I beleive Dr. Gordon is Jigsaw's next apprentice.
In saw 3, nearing the end of the movie when he tells Amanda what his whole plot was all along, he pours wax all over one of his recorded tapes.
In saw 3, Jigsaw tells Amanda to get an envelope out from the drawer with her name and instructions on it. She starts to cry after she reads it. Nobody but the director and the writers know what the contents of that envelope are.
I'm sure there are some other ones, but I cant remember them at the moment.
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The writers are very creative, I'm sure they had all this planned all along. They could probally make a horror movie out of me eating a hamburger in my kitchen.