Dunno about any custom edition...I'm talking about the CD version available a few years ago. I only bought it because I didn't have a seXbox at the time.
Richie wrote:Dunno about any custom edition...I'm talking about the CD version available a few years ago. I only bought it because I didn't have a seXbox at the time.
Yeah the online for the CD version was terrible. Halo: Custom Edition is a multi player only thing that bungie made free to download, where you don't have to have halo to install and play, but you do need the serial key from it. It pretty much replaces the horrible multi player that comes with the CD. Custom edition reduces the lag about 98% and it allows for custom maps, mods, vehicles. One of my favorites is having warthog races on Rainbow Road ( the Mario kart track ) while someone is sniping the driver from the other warthog from passenger side. Just about the ONLY problem i have with custom edition is that it's not like Unreal Tournament in that you can download the maps as you join games. You must have the map in your game folder before you can join games with that certain custom map. Maybe there is a program out there that does that, i have yet to check. Either than that it's a shit load of fun and I usually play.
Ah, I didn't you know you were talking about this special edition and whatnot. I'm sure it's brilliant, but I'm kinda over Halo these days...until Halo 3 comes out.