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Post by RurouniQ »

We anticipate starting again in less than a month's time... but no promises.
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Post by Mericks »

RurouniQ wrote:We anticipate starting again in less than a month's time... but no promises.
Less than a month's time? Comforting...Oh shit. 23 days of school left. WHOOOO!
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Post by bmdubya »

7 days for me mericks. Hahahahahahahahaa. :partyman:
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Post by Mericks »

bmdubya wrote:7 days for me mericks. Hahahahahahahahaa. :partyman:
Lucky Ass Mother Fucker.

That's right, you're a LAMF, bmdubya. there. I said it.
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Post by BreakmanX »

We'll see what happenss, due to certain lameness of people that aren't me I have to go to school this summer (every fucking day, all day, in June) then in July I have the wedding, and right after that Leanne and I are going to LA for a week and a half or so, then the Fall semester starts early August. Then I move to L.A. permenently next December...

The show is, and will always be, dear to my heart, but once I graduate from college I need to start thinking about a career that will actually make money for myself and sustain me. We've tried different avenues of making money for the site, and got incredibly close once, but it just hasn't worked. Every member of the staff has worked incredibly hard, but this will just have to stay a "for fun" hobby. As long as my funds don't dry up to the point where I can't pay for the hosting, the site will be around. And we'll do shows whenever we can. Once I'm in L.A. the other hosts will obviously have to be skyped in and such, but that's how we did it before anyway.

My career will be something creative and in the entertainment industry, I can tell you that. So, even if the show is no more I'll be doing other stuff you can access. I'm really going to go full speed on my album once I move to L.A. (should have the actual recording done before) and I've really had a lot of positive feedback on that. I've also made some contacts in the film industry so if the album doesn't pan out, I've got a little more secure road there.

I hope you all enjoy my projects in the future.
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Post by WiizerFanboy »

It's all good, Break. I'm happy for you that you're going to go after a career you enjoy. While I did enjoy every single episode of the show (and it's been a great 2 and a half years of listening for me), That is what's most important. I wish you good luck on the wedding and your future plans and I hope that everything goes well in L.A, and that you find what you find what your looking for in your career in the entertainment business.

it's been a great 2 years.
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Post by Mericks »

God...The entire world seems like it's falling apart at the seams now. I mean Break's leaving, The seniors graduate soon, so some people in my life will have to vanish, then next year many more friends will be gone...and then the year after that I'll have to depart...Wow... The next 2 years are going to be quite insane... So many memories will be gone... High School sucks ass.

Of course I'm rather creative myself so maybe our paths will cross again one day Break, so once you vanish into L.A. I will have to say farewell until then.
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Post by WiizerFanboy »

I could imagine seeing break on TV one day :lol:
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Post by BreakmanX »

You will. I hope to stay in touch with everyone too so I can hang with whoever when I'm in another city.
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Post by BreakmanX »

Thanks for all the kind words, Wiizer.

BTW my blog is at I'll ramble a lot, but there'll be news about my upcoming stuff there when I have it.
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Post by Mericks »

Well...At least stop by here before you leave. Saying good-bye might be heartbreaking, but at least it'll make this town somewhat less tolerable to live in, thus making it that much better when I ditch it. Also, good-byes are much better in person than they are online...since...that's...not really good-bye unless you're dying from a disease.
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Post by BreakmanX »

I probably won't be back to Lindsborg before I head for Arizona bay. (That's LA for the non Tool/Bill Hicksians) Too much to do before then. Who knows though, if I do I'll stop by to say good bye to you.
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Post by Mericks »

BreakmanX wrote:I probably won't be back to Lindsborg before I head for Arizona bay. (That's LA for the non Tool/Bill Hicksians) Too much to do before then. Who knows though, if I do I'll stop by to say good bye to you.
Well, we have 7 months so point in making plans now.

Either way, it's like seeing a brother leave *sniff* ... I don't mean of my brothers...more like a brother that I uh... Don't want to avoid.
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