Kotaku wrote:Dead Man's Chest sold 15 million copies in the US during the first week of release alone. When the Matrix was released on DVD in the earlier days of the format, it sold 3 million copies by the year 2000.
I dunno, it's kind of hard for me to make a judgment based off of the people around me. I mean in Ellsworth I knew a lot of people that had a DVD player back then, but Ellsworth is significantly larger than Lindsborg, which literally has no one I know that owns a Blu-ray player (from what I'm to gather, no one even owns a PS3 here yet either), so eh...my personal experience is a bit misleading when I try to judge. I'm quite a bit surprised that many people own blu-ray though. They bitch about everything being too expensive and taxes, yet they have the money to spare on the blu-ray player and movies...America's a wonderful place, ain't it?
What about Casino Royale blu-ray. That sold shittons. I see blu ray everywhere now. I don't see HD-DVD anywhere. It seems that when the general public talks about high def discs, they're talking about blu ray.
I just got a lot of shit from about everyone I told about how awesome blu-ray was. Anytime I mentioned it at a game store or anywhere people always told me that it didn't matter or that it would fail or that DVD had done better or that HD DVD would win... Its just nice to see all those things people told me proven wrong. Hehe.
And I was giddy as hell with Twilight Princess as well.