Sad that people are trying to call it liberal propoganda, eh? I understand where they're coming from, with the whole "let's stop fishing down south" thing, but I have a feeling that the movie wasn't exactly designed for that purpose, you know?
I think of liberals putting Jesus between two pieces of million $ bills taken directly from the taxes they rape from babies, and taking a huge bite out of the sandwhich as they give a back rub to bin Laden and conspiring to end capitalism by trying to keep a climate that is habitable by human beings since they paid off 25,000 of the world's leading scientists. Then I think of how much more fun it would be to continue to drive SUVs, love Jesus, and live underwater. Maybe a nice whale, like in the Jonah story from the Bible, will come eat me so I have somewhere to live.
BreakmanX wrote:The hypocrite principle again comes in, I guess.
Definitely. Prime example of the word hypocrite if you ask me.
"Global Warming!!! Aghhhh!!!!"
Using less gasoline is not how to handle global warming. It's gonna happen eventually anyway, so drive all you want now, but make sure to get a fucking nice boat like Costner in Waterworld. Everything else will be ok.