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Well...this bites

Japanese Animation and gaming. They go together... like wangs and Penny-Arcade.
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Well...this bites

Post by Typheus »

Am I just not into it anymore, or are there not any new and GOOD animes comin out? I saw Trinity Blood, and it looked somewhat decent. Course I was too tired to noticed wtf was going on. It wasn't until I watched another episode involving a building that had some kind of sound weapon in it that could destroy a surrounding city. Some type of Silent Noise or Silent Sound or something like that.

So...anything on the radar? What ARE some good animes? I mean I know of Bleach, Naruto, FMA, GITS (kinda good), Trinity Blood, and that's about it.
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Post by Verence »

On TV?

Not that I know of, no. :(

I recommend watching Juuni Kokki (AKA Twelve Kingdoms).

Know what else is good (even though it's not an anime)?

Avatar: The Last Airbender

It's a western cartoon, but REALLY well done and cool. It's got action and a cool story and really good animation and character designs. If I hadn't told you it wasn't anime you might not have been able to tell. :)
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Post by maul42 »

Add to Bleach and Naruto on the list of shows-that-are-incredibly-fun-despite-dragging-the-story-out-to-a-painful-degree One Piece. I love that damn show.

ANd its true, Anime topped out, in my opinion, about six years ago. But little series like Ghost in the Shell stand alone do pop up every now and again to interest me. And you can find some great ones from 'the golden era' that you may have missed.

Might I reccommend tracking down JoJo's Bizarre adventure? You might need to read it up on Wikipedia to get a good rundown of allthe crazy shit that's going on in that series, but damn is it ever fun....and kinda gay at the same time. :P
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Post by Typheus »

Damn, I've been searchin high and low for a sub of that old Beast Wars II and Best Wars Neo, but I can't find either. Strange considering it was such a big thing at one point :/

God, I can still remember when I woke up around an hour earlier than I usually do just so I could watch Beast Wars before I went to school on the Fox Power Block. Then I think it was moved to later in the day so I could watch it when I wasn't so tired I could barely see straight. Damn that was an awesome series.
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Post by maul42 »

I've got seasons two and three of beastwars at work, and I just sold a full series set of Beastmachines. you just gotta look around.

now that is damn hard to find.
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Post by Verence »

I lost track of Reboot after the timeskip. :?
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Post by RurouniQ »

I have the entire 3rd season of Reboot on DVD. One of my prized possessions. LOVE that shit.
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Post by Typheus »

No, I can find the regular Beast Wars episodes anytime. It's the Japanese ones called Beast Wars II and Beast Wars Neo that I can't locate.

As for Reboot...goDAMN that thing got confusing after Bob was launched into the Web.
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Post by maul42 »

Are those the hand-animated ones where Optimus was a Lion? I saw the action figures for those at a comicon once, and thought his design was very very cool.
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Post by Typheus »

Maul, yes exactly. Saw the intro on that retro TV show site. I can't remember....oh yeah. Retrojunk. And ever since, I wanted to see the anime version of Beast Wars, because I thought it looked kickass.
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Post by maul42 »

I was under the impression that it was only released in Japan, which might be why you have such trouble finding them.

You'd probably have to find them from an import dealer, or via a torrent, if that's the case.
The figures i found of them were all in Japanese blister-packs, so I wouldn't be surprised.
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Post by Typheus »

Yeah, it was only released in Japan, but I was hoping some fansub group would have subbed it by now :P