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Post by Realm »

ok, good to know. cause i've actually met you in real life before, and you didn't seem like a asshole. i also have a sense of humor, anyone who knows me can attest to that, i was just kinda tired and cranky when i posted earlier. no hard feelings man.
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Post by loosecannon »

macs still blow ass though man. they suck.
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Post by BreakmanX »

Yeah, as he said, don't take all of the bashing forum so seriously. Some of it will be down right rediculous and some will discuss the very fabric of a gamer's life in scholar level discussions.

The whole point of the bashing forum is for people to go here and BASH things. And, primarily, to keep this sort of thing out of the more serious areas of the forums. If our reputation is hurt from the amount of cynicism and immaturity in the bashing section... then people are completely misunderstanding the idea of bashing, and my purpose of separating it from the rest of the forums.

The dictionary defines bashing as: Informal. To criticize (another) harshly, accusatorially, and threateningly: “He bashed the... government unmercifully over the... spy affair” (Lally Weymouth). To engage in harsh, accusatory, threatening criticism.

Bashing might and might not be serious, but at least it keeps it away from the serious sections of the forums.
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Post by Realm »

I wrote:tired and cranky
that's the only excuse i can give. sorry, i just am used to taking ppl literally. i'll have to pay more attention to if a post is in a "bashing" topic or not. my bad.
I have spoken.
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Post by BreakmanX »

No worries.