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Post by BreakmanX »

When I lived in L.A. last summer, one of my buds in film school was from the O.C. I can vouch for what they are saying. Nothing like the show.
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Post by Verence »

Atticus wrote:Right on. Well, they need like 15646489185 times more smog and trash...Verence, thought?

15646489186 time more trash.

Yeah, that's more like it.

There are some really nice areas though. I particularly remember the really nice parks. MO and KS don't have ANY, maybe because of all the naturally occuring open wooded areas. I guess they don't need to create artificial areas filled with greenery as much. :P
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Post by Atticus »

Very true. I just miss Newport and Huntington Beach. Although I wouldn't mind having a place on Balboa Island if I were rich either.
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Post by AIDS »

LikkleBaer, if you haven't watched Buffy and Angel yet, do so. I'm sure you already know, but just in case you don't, it was what Joss Whedon did before Firefly. Firefly was Joss's foray into Sci-Fi, whereas Buffy is Joss's version of horror and Angel is crime drama. The good thing about both series is they lastest longer than 1 season. Actually Buffy lastest for 7 season, and Angel lasted 5 seasons. They both have Joss's signature humor but also contain great drama and action. I'm currently watching Buffy season 5 and Angel season 2. And pretty much, both shows grow every season and get better. There's especially a big improvement between Buffy season 1 and 2.

I think ultimately if Firefly were still airing, it would probably be my favorite Joss Whedon series. But the fact that it was never finished, that itself always angers me. The same goes for the NBC comedy/drama series Freaks and Geeks. I'm not angry at Joss, because he put his heart and soul into it. I'm angry at Fox.

You should also check out the Serenity comic book that Dark Horse Comics published a while back. It was written by Joss and takes place between Firefly and Serenity. I haven't read it yet, but someone told me that it shows what happened to Shepard Book.

Also, you should check out Marvel Comics's Astonishing X-Men, which is currently being written by Joss.
Hell hath no fury for a woman's scorn for Sega.


Post by LikkleBaer »

Thanks honey ^_^

Shhhhhh... don't tell anyone but I'm a secret Spike fan ;)

And I'll check out the comics next chance I get.

And I'm not really angry at Joss either... now I've had a few days to get over my mourning of Wash *sniffles*. Fox I will never forgive. Firefly had the potential to be a really great, long-running series - and they never even gave it a fair chance.
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Post by AIDS »

Everyone loves Spike, he's hilarious.
Hell hath no fury for a woman's scorn for Sega.
