Alright, I had known about this for a long time now, but had just recently found out that they released a trailer for it. "Underworld" is number 1 on my all time favorite movie list.. Becuase of the vampires, lycans, and Kate Beckinsale.. "Underworld: Evolution" is going to kick some major ass and you should watch it when it hits theatres January 06..
Typheus wrote:Wasnt Underworld that movie with the Vampires vs. the werewolves or evil vampires or something?
yes. The Vampires and the Lycans (warewolves) they had been fighting each other for thousands of years. I could give a pretty good summary but I don't wanna spoil the movie for anyone who hasn't seen it yet. And I'm sorry for not posting this is the respective section, but I had forgotten that there was a tv/movie forum when I was posting it.