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Request: Local Image hosting.

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Request: Local Image hosting.

Post by Evilmagicpirate »

I want local image hosting for the forums. I've posted a few images in various posts that Ive hosted on the tiny space my ISP gave me, but I've since had to delete those pics to make room for other stuff.. so now ome of the pics Ive had in threads are missing.

From the looks of things, setting up some PHP to do web-based image upload seems relativly easy...
Or even FTP acess to a few mb of local space for 'Gold' members (I.E. those who paypal you) would be pretty nifty.

No doubt you've had ideas like this already Break.. and It might give me some incentive to send some money your way.

Edit: Plus, nobody had posted in this forum for a while.. so I decided to give it a go.
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Post by BreakmanX »

Great idea EMP, I'll see what I can do.