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Any tournaments in Lawrence?

Good idea from Dherb. We love ya man.
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Any tournaments in Lawrence?

Post by Web_22 »

Just wondering if anything has really gone on since ALAN closed down. Finding people who want to pay to compete is not easy. It took us a while to build up what we have down here in New Mexico. It takes someone who's willing to start it up and then keep it going. Running those things can be pretty tough the bigger they get.

Anyway, just wanted to know if there's any kind of tourney scene in Lawrence. Should I end up there, I'll be starting something up for sure!!!
I'll be damned if I ever get beat by a button masher!!!
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Jack Burton
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Post by Jack Burton »

Not that I know of at the moment, unfortunately.

I did hear that someone is trying to open up a new LAN gaming place in Lawrence with PCs and consoles, so there might be something coming up soon. Who knows? I'll keep my ear to the ground and let you all know as soon as I hear anything.
