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GameBreaker Episode 1 UPLOADED

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GameBreaker Episode 1 UPLOADED

Post by BreakmanX »

The first episode of GameBreaker is done and uploaded in all its video glory.

Divx file -

Make sure you have the latest Divx codecs (5.0.5) or it will not play properly. We also have a higher resolution, but much longer download, version. ... ingbhr.avi

Or take a bite out of our equally delectable streaming version. Which requires no download on your part, and will optimize based on your connection. It will work on anywhere from a measly 56k modem to a glorious broadband connection (cable/dsl.). Unless you don't have the newest version of real player, that is.

And, while your here, let us know what you think.
Last edited by BreakmanX on Fri Jun 06, 2003 3:13 am, edited 6 times in total.
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Jack Burton
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Post by Jack Burton »

....Kinks mainly in my neck. As you may notice, I look at my script a lot in this first, the PILOT episode. We just finished taping the 2nd Gamebreaker today, and without even doing any editing yet, I feel that it's much better than the first. Much smoother, no rants or script-reading from me, AND I even manage to look up for almost all of the Gamebreaker!

I'm pretty sure that Break feels the same way about the 2nd one, but we both think that you'll enjoy the new Gamebreaker feature of Hope you enjoy it, please tell us what you think, we're eager to hear your input!

As bad as I look and sound in this first one, I have to say that in all honesty i'm alright with it, but I think the next one is much better in terms of performance, so you're just gonna have to wait for next week to see how much better it gets!

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Post by Zephie-chan »

*looks dumbfounded* Whoa...

I just got finished watching the first Gamebreaker episode and I was in total awe. Hell, I'm still speechless. Great job guys, I can't stress that enough. I look forward to the second episode!
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Post by Evilmagicpirate »

GG with Episode one...
Jack, Kudos on that script you wrote.. Its was pretty danm funny. I especailly like the "Nazi or things that resemble Nazi" line.. and you guys hit the nail on the head with the crypt levels, they sure do suck.
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Post by ghoest »

Great job..
things to work on...
1)be less reliant on the script.. sounded like you were reading an essay in front of class
2) cut to more action screens during dialogue.. makes for more interesting watching...
3) Don't be so reliant on the game footage during the opening of the show... Put together some original breakmanx footage like you inside the game or something like that... Nickelodian had a game show that did that but it really sucked... It was like 2 people in a platform game dodging shit and trying to do or defeat something (been a while since i last saw it)
but all in all, great show
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Jack Burton
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Post by Jack Burton »


We could do that thing with the original stuff, but until we actually have a budget...anything that we attempted to do like that would simply look like ass, and would only bring shame to our gamebreaker and nothing more. However, if we get plenty of donations....well, you never know...

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Post by Realm »

hey sorry it took me so long, but i finally watched the gamebreaker. great job guys, it's awesome. a few thoughts:

-when jack is giving his monologue, it might be a good idea to zoom in on him, and/or cut break from the screen, he's a distraction. nothing against break, it's just that the viewer's attention needs to be on jack when jack is talking. i thought the tv in the backround was a nice touch though.

-i liked the dialogue, the script. i thought it was original and well written. it seemed a little over-rehearsed though. (hey i did public speaking for 7 years in 4-H, it's kinda ingrained in my head now) a little more ad lib might not be bad, but ya, just be a little careful about the difference between giving a speach and reading one.

-i loved the ending, with the live-action scenes from jack playing the game. that was awesome. (there was a window reflection in the monitor, but not a big deal, just a little hard to see the screen)

-went on a little bit of a tangent about the halo2 trailer, didn't hurt anything but didn't help either.

overall, i loved it. please don't think i'm trying to pick it apart, i thought it was very professionally done. and i loved most of the visual aspects of it, it really looked good. can't wait for number 2!
I have spoken.