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M$ just seems to have a way into everyones pockets...

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M$ just seems to have a way into everyones pockets...

Post by loosecannon »

I was recently in Target. I was browsing through my beloved Gamecube games and i noticed that the wonderful people at target decided to stick Mechasssuckalt and Uncool Tournament on either side of Metriod. Now as people go to but the Metriod, they are sucked into seeing Mechasssuckalt or Uncool. Hey, wait a sec, didt i see those on TV, ill buy them. Maybe theres a big TARGET on that buliding for a reason....
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Post by Evilmagicpirate »

Sounds more like dumb-fuck Target employees who just wedge what-ever game where ever it fits.
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Post by VdgmasterX »

alright guys bash and bash here, but you never post anything in the regular forum! cmon...there has to be something good to say about the box. green is a cool color...
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Hey Now

Post by loosecannon »

Ok VDG, go check the other "regular" forums and see if im only in the bashing section :D