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Hollywood Wants BitTorrent Dead

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Hollywood Wants BitTorrent Dead

Post by Zephie-chan »

Hollywood studios began launching new legal action Tuesday (December 14th, 2004) saying that they have targeted and are carrying out their rights to sue all those they find distributing illegal, movie-length features on the three biggest P2P programs out there: "BitTorrent", "eDonkey", and "Direct Connect". They say they are sueing all the website owners that host trackers that point to their illegally distributed films.

What this means for the anime fansub distrobution industry (you can almost see ADV Films along side them, trying to shutdown the sites that host their licensed anime in both original Japanese form and DVD rips), no one knows at this point, but if you're a frequent downloader of subtitled anime on BitTorrent, eDonkey, and Direct Connect, get it done now because you might not be able to get it later.

BitTorrent is currently their main focus as it's gained most of the enmity of Hollywood. The article can be found at the following address:,13 ... _tophead_2
"On Earth I shall guard. In Heaven I shall fight. For Hell I shall rule." - The Ethereal Prophecy, Blood Guardians Novel
"Oh my god! My pee is red! ...Mmm, punch flavored..." - Zephie-chan

Post by eXistence »

"Well if holywood want's bittorrent, I want MY internet back!" -Al Gore.