I like lists. Here's a list:

"Games I want to play but can't cause I'm a poor broke bastard"

1) Devil May Cry 3
2) Star Wars: Republic Commando
3) Brothers in Arms: The Road to Hill 30
4) Gran Turismo 4
5) Fight Night Round 2
6) Tekken 5
7) Oddworld: Stranger's Wrath

Okay nevermind, Here's another list:

"Games that I won't be able to buy when they come out, cause I'm still a broke bastard"

1) Phantom Dust (for the love of god check this out if you haven't seen it)
2) DK Jungle Beat

Okay I can't add to that list…I'm getting too upset.

Anyway, yes…you all need to play the games I've listed. I fully expect a report by next month.

Ignore what's above. You all need to buy those games for me. Or hey,
buy them for you and let me borrow them until I'm done with them.

Just let me know when to pick them up.



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