So yes, Resident Evil 4 HAS come out, and it is amazing, and yes, I am still having a blast with World of Warcraft.  However, I'm really bummed out about all the EA stuff that has happened so far this year.  I can't really express my disappointment with everything that has happened with them so far this year, and I think I'm even more disappointed that there isn't a damn thing I can do about it. 

So, the best thing I can do, is basically boycott EA.  Well, I can't say with a straight face that I won't buy any EA games, especially if they publish some great games by some developers with real talent (whom they bought), like Oddworld Inhabitants or Criterion.  But I will say that I won't buy any of those games new, so the money won't go to EA.  I can't really express my disappointment that I'm feeling right now, but rest assured, so far this year sucks, in the overall big picture.


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