I've managed to play a good little bit of Oddworld: Stranger's Wrath at this point in time now, and I have to say that I enjoy it quite a bit.  Par for the course, Lorne Lanning and the Oddworld Inhabitants team have crafted some gorgeous pre-rendered FMVs for important story sequences that are just as good as something you might expect from PIXAR or Dreamworks.  They really look that good!  Not only that though, the in-game graphics are pretty good.  The game retains a lot of the Oddworld "feel" and "look" to it in the towns, especially with the huge signs and ads as you get into different towns throughout the game.  The game also is a huge departure for the series and has a decidely more "western" look and feel to it as well.

So far I've liked every minute of it, and I can't wait to find out where the story goes from here.  I will say that I'm in the 2nd town right now, and the story is kinda slow, but from all the reports I've heard on the internet, once I'm done with my last bounty here, the story really starts to take off.

But oh well…it's off to WoW for me, I have my level 40 rogue that needs some loving, and I need to hit 42 before the end of the week so that I can feel some sort of accomplishment within the game.  Hopefully I might just end up hitting 43, who knows? 



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