Sure made me a sad panda…. I might have been the only guy in the world holding out for the Phantom. I was going to be the Infinium champion of this world and the next, holding my overpriced average gaming system high to the sky as a beacon of my true power.

I guess I might not do that now.

But what I can do, is play more World of Warcraft. Lots more. For real, if you haven't at least tried this game, you are doing yourself a dis-service. But I've beat that horse a few too many times, and it is way beyond dead.

Another must have I say: Lord of the Rings: Battle for Middle Earth. I heart it. Yes, I used freshman girl terminology, but that's how giddy I am about this game. The combination of having seen the movies about a googleplex times helps a little bit. When you get into this game, you feel totally immersed in the world. The music, the graphics and the vocal work all pull you in to feel like you're in the movies (while they did have to take some…liberties with the story, just look past that).

The multi-player is just dandy too, nothing is as fun as charging into a few hundred oncoming Uruk-Hai with your Rohan Rohirrim. For real kiddies, you'll get a treat out of this real time strategy game.

Speaking of which, if you haven't taken a look over at, they've posted new and happy things about Age of Empires 3. I didn't play too much AoE1, I only played a bit of AoE2, but Age of Mythology got me hooked, and I went back and brushed up on the AoE world a touch. Take a look at the screens, it looks to be mighty fine. We're doing the whole Age of Exploration now. Yes you too can colonize the Americas, bring disease, death and injustice to the natives, and extablish your own country!

Party on.

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